
For better products, individuals and companies around the world are continuously improving their technologies for the benefit of people and improvement of their life.
Inventors are researching and developing the next generation of scientific breakthrough without being satisfied at their past accomplishments.
By trial and error, they invent wonderful excellent idea leading to better one.
Our mission is to turn the idea to a valuable intellectual property right by providing superior legal advice for our clients.
Our firm name, “Ikumi” Patent Attorneys Office, is derived from the following concept:
Our firm name, “Ikumi”, consists of two Japanese words, “育 (iku)” and ”実 (mi)”. The Japanese word, “育 (iku)” means “to grow (plants)” in English. The other Japanese word, ”実 (mi)”, means “to bear/ripen (fruits)” in English.
Inventive idea is a “seed”. A “seed” is sowed in the technical field to grow to bear “fruits”. Such “fruits” are inventions. Our mission is to help a plant to bear and ripen “fruits” enough to pick and eat. The ripe “fruits” are valuable intellectual property rights for the benefit of people.
We strive to create value by providing superior legal advice and business counsel to protect and advance the interests of our clients.